Electromagnetic Therapy - working principle

Electromagnetic therapy detects the damaged site and affect the cells metabolism; making them stronger and able to start recovery. It  promotes the biological process thus resulting in a speedy recovery

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Anxiety & Depression

Most alpha brain stimulation research is conducted by stimulating the brain directly. However, stimulating other parts of the body may have an indirect action on depression and anxiety as well.

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Migraine & Hypertension

PEMF therapy has shown to significantly decrease headaches in people with migraine and it also helped manage vascular function and BP in cohorts with peripheral vascular disease as well as hypertension.

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Arthritis & Spinal Cord injuries

PEMF therapy increases cellular energy and also allows the muscles to work longer and recover more quickly.It contributes to prevention and reduction of  pain in patients with low back and other pathological conditions.

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Diabetes & Parkinson’s disease

Bipolar pulsed electromagnetic stimulation applied to the brain (T-PEMF) is a non-pharmacological treatment which has been shown to stimulate nerve growth, attenuate nerve abnormalities, and improve microcirculation. Patients who have been medically treated suffered idiopathic Parkinson’s disease.

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Musculoskeletal disorders & Bone healing

The treatment of  musculoskeletal disorders has been suggested with the application of PEMF therapy due to its activity in the cellular level, from the root of the problem. Considerable studies have explored the underlying cellular and subcellular mechanisms of PEMF stimulation on various musculoskeletal diseases.

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Osteoporosis & Weight loss

Osteoporosis is characterized by progressive bone loss and deterioration of the microarchitecture leading to an increased fracture risk and it’s sometimes associated with weight loss.A therapy that helps body cells stimulate  a proper proportion of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium is needed. So, it can reduce pain, improve bone metabolism, and accelerate the bone regeneration process.

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Cell regeneration & Nerve repair

Nerves are cells too. PEMF therapy has improved functional recovery and morphometric indices of transected nerves. Electromagnetic therapy  could be considered as an effective, safe and tolerable treatment for peripheral nerve repair in clinical conditions.

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Edema & Hematoma

PEMF treatment leads to gene expression changes of the factors involved in regulating inflammation, including inflammation resolution. The therapy is increasingly used to treat pain and edema associated with inflammation following surgery involving soft tissue.

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Circulation & Nervous system

PEMF therapy increases blood circulation around damaged tissue. Effects include: enhanced cellular energy (ATP) production, increased oxygen uptake, changes in entry of calcium, movement of sodium out of the cell, movement of potassium into the cell, changes in enzyme and biochemical activity, and changes in cellular pH that support immune health.

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Neuropathy & Multiple sclerosis

PEMF improves health of those with neuropathy and sclerosis by targeting at increased circulation and anti-inflammatory effects combined with the pain relief and restoration of normal nerve conduction lead to reversal of the damage that causes peripheral neuropathy.

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General Pain & Fibromyalgia

Electromagnetic  therapy has been suggested as a promising therapy to increase microcirculation, which is of great concern in patients with fibromyalgia.The decrease in stiffness and pain after the treatment was statistically significant.

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Range of motion & Sciatica

The effects on pain, range of motion  and functional status in patients with cervical osteoarthritis are considerably positive.The range of motion, paravertebral muscle spasm, neck pain and disability scale scores improved significantly after PEMF treatment.

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Pelvic pain & Endometritis

Unusually effective and long-lasting relief of pelvic pain of gynecological origin has been obtained consistently by short exposures of affected areas to the application of a magnetic induction device producing short, sharp, magnetic-field pulses of a minimal amplitude to initiate the electrochemical phenomenon of electroporation within a 25 cm2 focal area. 

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Tendonitis & Ulcer

Electromagnetic fields increase the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin Moreover, increases the expression of growth factors, such as transforming growth factor and insulin-like growth factor 1, as well as the synthesis of collagen I fibers. Studies suggest a potential effectiveness of PEMF for tendinopathy treatment.

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Connective tissue repair & Wound healing

For wounds to heal, tissues need to be repaired but before that recovery of the structural properties needs to take place. Electromagnetic fields promote collagen deposition and proliferation which are important for wound healing process. 

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Lymphocyte function & Insomnia

Electromagnetic fields promote the motion of ions and electrolytes, which in turn stimulates cellular activity. Therefore the cellular stimulation improves the cells ability to generate energy, and improves oxygenation, cell metabolism and circulation. Also, improved lymphatic flow and drainage are noted.

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Glaucoma & Vision

Sight problems are quite frequent among people of all ages, but this is not the same for glaucoma. PEMF has proved to be beneficial in vision acuity of patients with low vision because it  helps in increased blood flow and show positive results on latent, initial and advanced glaucoma.

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Read about conditions that EMT treats


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is defined as a joint disease that touches hands, hips, knees, neck and lower back and it can cause pain and even disability when it is severe.

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Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass production. The former leads to the fragility of bones and therefore raises the risks of experiencing fractures.

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Disc Conditions

Human body’s vertebrae are separated by discs which can be flat, round or fibrous. One experiences disc conditions when damaged discs start moving out of the alignment or even break down.

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Sports Injuries

Sports injuries occur when somebody engages in strenuous or improper physical activity. Lack of warm up exercises before training increases the risks of experiencing sports injuries.

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Wound Healing

Wound healing is a dynamic and complex process that consists of four continuous stages such as: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

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General Wellness and Fitness

Wellness and health are commonly used interchangeably but they have a significant difference in meaning. Our health or lack of it is a composition of diagnosis of any diseases, family history and predisposition to certain diseases and injuries.

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Veterinary Services

Animal wellness refers to the general health of our pets. An animal is subject to almost the same health problems as a human and needs to be treated by veterinarians in veterinary centers.

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