There are some medications that might have side effects and the patients’ bodies do not react well to it. Also, surgeries may be sources of infections and blood clots. Recent studies have suggested Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields as an innovative and effective treatment for osteoarthritis, osteoporosis and other similiar health conditions. 

The benefits of using Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields are numerous. It is a good treatment for the recovery of injuries due to its anti-inflammatory effect. It considerably reduces pain. PEMFs help our body pain by delaying the degenerative process of the joints and therefore bone breaking. Such fields accelerate recovery and repair processes where fractured (in the case of osteoporosis). 

Most importantly of all, PEMFs improve tissue hydration and improves cartilage thickness which is extremely important to protect bone joints and operate our activities easily. 

Oseoarthrits treatment

Studies have recommended the applications of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields as effective to treat osteoarthritis. Its practicality makes it easier to use therapy to treat conditions that restrict movement.  

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields are a non-invasive and painless treatment. For many years the researchers and scientists were searching for a way to deal with issues related to osteoarthritis. And at the end they were relieved with the results of the Electromagnetic Therapy (EMT). Having such practical use and effectiveness to treat health skeletal conditions makes recent studies rank as an effective treatment for osteoarthritis and/or osteoporosis.

In pulsed electromagnetic field therapy , the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the expected results.


Osteoarthritis  is the most common form of arthritis. It is defined as a joint disease that touches hands, hips, knees, neck and lower back and it can cause pain and even disability when it is severe. Osteoarthritis happens over time due to the wearing down of the cartilage which protects bones by covering the ends of them when forming a joint. Human bones are linked through joints. The area around them is covered by cartilaginous tissue that serves to protect bones from rubbing with each other. If the cartilage starts breaking down, it causes damage in the joint and it reflects the damage in the form of pain and if it is severe may even decrease joint motion.


One might have experienced previous injuries and that increases chances of suffering osteoarthritis later on. Also, strenuous physical work may put a lot of stress on the human  body and that disorders cartilaginous metabolism.  If cartilaginous metabolism is disordered it cannot form an extracellular matrix that constitutes it. Not forming the matrix creates defects in  cartilage. Having a damaged cartilage results in bones of a joint rubbing with each-other. The more one moves the more the bones rub. At this stage bones are damaged and shape has been changed. Any or no activity at all can cause pain in that/those damaged areas.  Such pain is an osteoporosis complication that may come even without moving or become a chronic one.  

A person may feel pain during the night and have sleep disturbances.

Other osteoporosis complications may be in the form of  muscle damage , tendons, ligaments, the lining joint, meniscus in the knees and the breaking of the bones. For example, damage in the joint decreases motion of it and therefore weakens the muscle. When a muscle is not strong all the stress causes the joint and over time it loses its shape by even causing bones to break. The broken bones are still connected with the joint and there is no place for them to move except to float inside the spaces in the joint. Having broken bones limits movement and causes pain

Damaged areas


Age is cause number one for osteoarthritis but not only. Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis are both health conditions that become more visible with age. The older we get, the higher are chances to experience such diseases.

Injuries that one might have suffered even if they are healed and occurred a long time ago increase the chances of suffering from osteoporosis later in life. 

Genetics is unavoidably an osteoarthritis cause. A person has higher chances to suffer from osteoarthritis if he/she was born with malformed bones or defective cartilage. 

Certain Metabolic Disease are also osteoarthritis risk factors. One diagnosed with diabetes has got higher chances than one without it. There is also hemochromatosis which increases the chances of one for osteoporosis. Hemochromatosis is where there is found too much iron in one’s body.  

Strenuous activity on the joint may contribute to developing osteoarthritis. The more physical work we do, the higher are chances for our body to experience pain. 

Gender is also an osteoarthritis cause. There is a greater likelihood for women to experience osteoarthritis (and/or osteoporosis) than men. However, there are nos scientific explanations supporting the idea.

Ethnicity may contribute to osteoarthritis too. Despite that, anyone can suffer from osteoarthritis. There seem to be less risks for Asians. 


Osteoarthritis has no visible and exclusively- related symptoms. Yet, there are some symptoms that need to be considered especially as we get older and one had had previous injuries.

Here are some of them:

      • Pain that can also degrade into chronic pain. One might feel pain after repeated  movement or when  doing normal daily activities. Such pain is generally experienced due to cartilage being worn down. Humid weather also contributes to bone pain. 
      • Stiffness– one might experience the feeling of not being able to move after some time of inactivity or resting. Stiffness of the joint is to be considered as one has not put pressure on the joint and yet lacks the flexibility. Loss of flexibility follows pain and stiffness of the joint. Loss of flexibility means limited movement  which prevents people from carrying out everyday activities because they can move their  joints and operate different functions easily. 
      • Swelling is also an osteoporosis symptom that is normally caused by the inflammation of the tissue around the damaged joint. 
      • Lumps can also be experienced by one suffering osteoarthritis. Lumps are bone spurs that may occur unexpectedly or when one makes a sudden and instant movement. 

A man with oseoarthrits

Health starts with knowing!


Osteoarthritis cannot be cured but it can be treated. One can reshape their lifestyle to adapt to this health condition, take medications, undergo surgery, or a therapy. The type of treatment or medication should always be in accordance with the patient’s diagnosis, severity of osteoarthritis and any previous health problems one might have suffered from. If one experiences any of the above symptoms it is suggested to see a doctor (physiotherapist, rheumatologist) who is specialized in arthritis and other- related health conditions.

Home remedies:

Physical activity & Weight loss- It is suggested by doctors to strengthen muscles around the area of  the joint. Given the proper instructions can be done at home. 

Organizing tasks in order to avoid repeated  heavy physical activity.  The aim of such therapy  is to put less stress on the joint. 

Physiotherapeutic  massages & Acupuncture can be alternative treatments for osteoarthritis/osteoporosis. The latter is especially good to relieve pain due to knee osteoarthritis.  One may go to a wellness center or adjust the conditions to have a physiotherapist at home. 

Nutritional Supplements such as avocado soybean and omega 3 acid can be taken to improve functions.


Injections & Infusions of painkillers. There are a number of medications taken when one is diagnosed with osteoarthritis. However, there are some that cannot be taken without doctor’s prescriptions or consultation for any side effect. For example, acetaminophen or tylenol are prescribed to relieve pain caused from osteoarthritis but the patient must be careful with the doses. It can cause liver damage if it is taken more than recommended.

Cortisone injections into the damaged joint. It must be taken in a limited number of doses per year because it can worsen the joint.

Hyaluronic acid can be injected to relieve pain, too.

Motrinib, Advil and other similar nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also prescribed to relieve pain. A patient must be aware of side effects such as possible bleeding, cardiovascular problems or stomach upsets. They are in the form of a gel and can be applied in damaged areas to relieve the pain.

Cymbalta is given to treat chronic pain so it is also used as an osteoarthritis medication.

Surgery is recommended only if home remedies and medications did not relieve the pain of the client. Joint replacement bones is a surgery that as the name suggests replaces damaged joints with new plastic or metal parts. Such parts must need to be replaced after some time.

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