Pulsed Electromagnetic Field treats a range of pathologies in pets. It delivers magnetic fields to tissues and positively impacts biological processes.

Electromagnetic field therapy provides relief in pets who suffer from inflammation, muscle pain, and bone injuries. It increases blood circulation and rebalances and/ or regenerates the activity of your animal’s cells by helping the pet heal and relieving experienced pain faster. These fields can be directed towards the injury site in the pet’s body or in their whole body if there is a need to do so.

PEMF therapy does not only address pain but has been shown to promote resolution of pathology by promoting blood flow, secretion of growth factors, and other pathways that can contribute to healing. It treats inflammatory conditions and pain. 

Electromagnetic therapy  provide relief from the following  pets conditions:

    • Neck and/or back pain
    • Arthritis and musculoskeletal injuries
    • Cancer and symptoms associated with chemotherapy
    • Skin problems 

Clinical evidence suggests  the use of PEMF therapy for clinical bone healing, wound healing,  and inflammation, and treatment of pain  The use of  PEMFs is a safe and non-invasive treatment to promote your pets’ wellness.

Electromagnetic therapy for animals wellness

In pulsed electromagnetic field therapy , the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the expected results.


Animal wellness refers to the general health of our pets. An animal is subject to almost the same health problems as a human and needs to be treated by veterinarians in veterinary centers. Health issues vary in severity and re- occurrence of them time and again. Overall animal health is a combination of proper food, exercises, hygiene and regular check-ups.


If you are a pet owner, you need to be aware of pets’ common health issues. In this way, you will react faster to any possible health issues and  keep the general health  of your pet. You may offer home remedies as immediate solutions and then take your pet to the veterinary center for examination. It is recommended to take your pet for regular check-ups, to mind their nutrition and stimulate activity as much as possible. Awareness of common  health issues and conditions related to your pets is important to keep them healthy as it prevents possible illnesses and in case of any health problems to have a faster recovery.

Health issues may vary in severity from temporary allergies to more serious health conditions that may require surgery. Here are some of them, a pet owner need to be aware of: 

Allergies: Pets experience allergies are caused by the food they are given, the atmosphere they are in and weather changes. Allergies can be experienced in the form of rashes, vomiting and even aggressive behavior

Infections: Dental care for your animals is also important. Negligence in your pets’ oral health may cause infections and further illnesses.

Obesity: The most common type of health issue for animals is obesity. It happens quite frequently and is a result of the lack of activity an animal is not led to do by its owner and also the amount and time when you feed your pet. There are cases when animal owners just feed their pets and rarely take them for walks, stimulate them to run or similar activities.

health conditions

Having programmed eating time and specific food for your own pet is really important for them and avoids the feeling of hunger and unnecessary weight gain.

More serious health conditions in pets: Arthritis, Cancer, Epilepsy, Hip Dysplasia, Liver shunt, Leptospirosis, Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Salmonella, Seizures, Vertigo and others. 


Being aware of the pets’ heath issues and their causes makes us more careful at the steps we take to keep them healthy. Such precautions are connected with food, hygiene, exercises and regular visits to the veterinarian.

Give your pet proper food – Feed your pet good food with healthy ingredients in the correct portions.  This might seem to be easy but there are cases when you cannot determine yourself what food is good for your pet. In such cases, a pet owner needs to consult a veterinarian for specific recommendations based on your pets’ needs.

Make exercises your pets’ routine – Your pet needs some daily time exercising. It promotes physical health and prevents the development of aggressive and destructive behaviors.  Daily dose of movements gives your pet a sense of routine and this is reflected in controlled behaviors. Be aware that not all pets can and need to exercise the same amount of time.

Stimulate them through games – Pets need stimuli to get moving, to be engaged therefore relaxed and obedient. Direct their attention on the tasks you want them to be good at. You want them to be fast runners, challenge them to take something in long distances.

Check your pets’ health regularly – Prevention is what we can do to prevent them developing diseases and health conditions. Do check-ups to a veterinarian center regularly.

Watch out your pet’s hygiene – Most importantly, keep your animal clean. It is important to wash your pet, to make a clean and dry place for them to stay in. Also, an overlooked aspect of animals’ health is oral hygiene. Pet’s owners should wash their pets’  teeth at least once a day.

Health starts with knowing!


Animals can suffer from numerous diseases, some might go undiscovered for a lot of time  and others cause obvious problems for them. Pets wellness can be examined at a veterinarian center. The most common types of diseases animals may experience include: heart murmurs, tumors, enlarged organs, cataracts, ear infections, ear mites, dental disease, skin issues and allergies and some more serious diseases.

Veterinary Treatments

Medications, surgery and acupuncture are common remedies for animals’ health problems. 

acupuncture is a gentle, non-invasive treatment used to treat sick and injured pets. This particular treatment is especially helpful for animals living with chronic health conditions such as arthritis. Acupuncture is a healing practice that is used to promote healing and balance energy. The process involves placing thin, sterilized needles into specific parts of the body, known as acupuncture points, to stimulate the immune system. 

Read about conditions that Electromagnetic Therapy treats


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is defined as a joint disease that touches hands, hips, knees, neck and lower back and it can cause pain and even disability when it is severe.

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Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass production. The former leads to the fragility of bones and therefore raises the risks of experiencing fractures.

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Disc Conditions

Human body’s vertebrae are separated by discs which can be flat, round or fibrous. One experiences disc conditions when damaged discs start moving out of the alignment or even break down.

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Sports Injuries

Sports injuries occur when somebody engages in strenuous or improper physical activity. Lack of warm up exercises before training increases the risks of experiencing sports injuries.

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Wound Healing

Wound healing is a dynamic and complex process that consists of four continuous stages such as: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

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Wellness and Fitness

Wellness and health are commonly used interchangeably but they have a significant difference in meaning. Our health or lack of it is a composition of diagnosis of any diseases, family history and predisposition to certain diseases and injuries.

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