The Electromagnetic therapy, also known as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy, is a therapy that makes use of electro-charged magnets to help improve your overall health and certain conditions.

This therapy aims to help the cells improve their metabolism and accelerate their regenerative functions. Therefore the electromagnetic stimuli are just awakening calls for our cells to take action and get better in a shorter time. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is an alternative option for conventional pain relief medicines, such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, but in most cases has no side effects.

The first steps towards this application started in the 20th century, and it has developed to the stage that we know it today. This Electromagnetic therapy or Electromagnetic treatment is used in many countries, but it’s advised to always consult with your physical therapist or wellness advisor.

Electromagnethic Therapy

In pulsed electromagnetic field therapy , the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the expected results.


Unlike non-prescription pain reliefs, electromagnetic therapy helps reduce pain by immersing patients’ bodies in a carefully controlled electromagnetic field.

There are no drugs, no knives or needles to worry about because this is a non-invasive treatment. The electromagnetic therapy is broadly described by patients as if they have had a relaxing massage which boosts their energy.

The treatments can take anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the circumstances and the specific conditions of the users. All required is that you lie down or sit fully clothed on an electromagnetic body mat. The majority of people have no sensations; however, some people may experience a small tingling or warmth as a result of the therapy’s enhanced blood circulation.

To put things into perspective a pulsed electromagnetic field therapy device will look like your casual spa bench – with the addition of extra accessories such as pads, paddles, or rings.

Electromagnethic therapy helps


If we look at any atom in detail, at its smallest countable fraction: scientists have found that everything is energy, made of a positive, a negative, and a neutral proton. That means that our body works by magnetic and electric fields. The Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy works by increasing cell activity, and it does this by activating voltage-gated calcium channels.

Let’s explain this clearer

The human body cells are made up of a membrane that protects and guards all the integral parts of the cell located in the cytoplasm.

    • The function of the cell membrane is to manage the in and out movement of the chemical elements such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other ions or protons.
    • To enable these functions, the cell membrane needs power, or voltage, which is empowered by the electric and magnetic fields that the body possesses. When the membrane weakens, these functions are not fully performed, and consequently, the cell will not function properly. The electromagnetic therapy invokes pulsed electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate the power.
    • Since the same cells form the tissues and the tissues form the organs, a chain is created where the organ will be weaker or damaged as a result of improper cell function.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy aims to stimulate the cell membrane to perform its functions, causing the organs to regenerate, heal or relieve pain.
It is important to keep track of the cell fundamentals for a healthy wellbeing – vitamins, minerals, hormones must be kept in proportional ratios for a healthy cell.


Now that we have a glance at how electromagnetic therapy works, we can draw some real-life conclusions on what pulsed electromagnetic frequencies treat and how effective they are?

Starting in the 1960s, the author (CNS) introduced the concept of stimulating parts of the body-brain, nerve, spinal cord, or skin – to control pain. Pain is an uncomfortable sensory and emotional experience that is related to or defined in terms of tissue damage, whether actual or potential.

Musculoskeletal diseases are a group of conditions characterized by pain and restrictions in mobility, flexibility, and functional capacity, which limit people’s ability to work and engage in social activities, as well as have mental health implications. Osteoarthritis, back and neck pain, tendinopathy, fibromyalgia, and myofascial pain are the most common and troublesome musculoskeletal illnesses. Pain affecting the musculoskeletal system is the most common and has a significant influence on people’s quality of life among the clinically relevant pain problems addressed in rehabilitation.

The pulsed electromagnetic field therapy device has been used to stimulate bone repair, treat osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal inflammatory illnesses, relieve pain, improve ulcer healing, and reduce spasticity. Therefore well-being is its core purpose.

    • Electromagnetic therapy is effective in the treatment of postoperative pain and edema, chronic wound healing, and aiding vasodilation and angiogenesis.
    • Accelerates the healing of bone diseases and soft tissues.
    • The reduction of inflammation and low back pain is one of the most significant benefits of electromagnetic therapy. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has been demonstrated to be a safe and effective treatment for lumbar radiculopathy in individuals with low back pain.
    • Improves blood circulation, oxygenation of blood and tissues, sleep quality, and blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
    • Creates an immune system which is balanced; boosts ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
    • Relaxes the muscles
    • Pulsed electromagnetic therapy potential for reducing pelvic pain and heart function after myocardial infarction are two of the most intriguing possibilities to be investigated and developed further.

A body pictrure for electromagnetic therapy treat

Health starts with knowing!


Magnet therapy
While it is generally safe for the majority of people to wear low-intensity static magnets, the electromagnetic therapy is not recommended if you:


    • Use a pacemaker
    • Have an insulin pump
    • Are pregnant
    • Young children

People may experience side effects if they have this type of treatment:

    • Nausea
    • Dizziness

However, these side effects are rare. When magnet therapy is used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment, there are no known adverse effects or complications.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy has no side effects and can be used in a wide array of medical treatments.

Read about conditions that Electromagnetic Therapy treats


Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It is defined as a joint disease that touches hands, hips, knees, neck and lower back and it can cause pain and even disability when it is severe.

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Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass production. The former leads to the fragility of bones and therefore raises the risks of experiencing fractures.

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Disc Conditions

Human body’s vertebrae are separated by discs which can be flat, round or fibrous. One experiences disc conditions when damaged discs start moving out of the alignment or even break down.

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Sports Injuries

Sports injuries occur when somebody engages in strenuous or improper physical activity. Lack of warm up exercises before training increases the risks of experiencing sports injuries.

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Wound Healing

Wound healing is a dynamic and complex process that consists of four continuous stages such as: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling.

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Wellness and Fitness

Wellness and health are commonly used interchangeably but they have a significant difference in meaning. Our health or lack of it is a composition of diagnosis of any diseases, family history and predisposition to certain diseases and injuries.

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Veterinary Services

Animal wellness refers to the general health of our pets. An animal is subject to almost the same health problems as a human and needs to be treated by veterinarians in veterinary centers.

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