The latest studies suggest Electromagnetic Therapy as an effective treatment for health conditions related to tissue, bones and muscles health and therefore a good physical therapy for sports injuries. 

Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Therapy is a painless treatment for the recovery of injuries due to its anti-inflammatory effect. It considerably reduces pain. PEMFs help our body pain by delaying the degenerative process of the joints and therefore delaying bone breaking. It reduces swelling and removes blood in a bruise. In this way, pulsed electromagnetic fields accelerate recovery and repair processes in the injured or fractured sites, leading to a speedy recovery and return to physical activity and training

Most importantly of all, PEMFs improve tissue hydration and improves cartilage thickness which is extremely important to protect bone joints and operate our activities with ease. This shows that PEMF therapy is the treatment that lowers the risks of sports injuries and it recovers them, too. People who are actively engaged in sports and especially athletes are recommended to use PEMF therapy to strengthen their body, to recover faster from sports injuries and to have an overall healthier life. 

Electromagnetic Therapy in sports injuries

In pulsed electromagnetic field therapy , the magnets are electro-charged but they are not harmful to your body because the intensity and duration are properly registered and tested to provide the expected results.


Sports injuries occur when somebody engages in strenuous or improper physical activity. Lack of warm up exercises before training increases the risks of experiencing sports injuries.

Injuries vary from mild to more severe. They can be experienced in almost all parts of the body such as: ankle, foot, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, shoulder, neck, and spine. One may also experience head injuries and cause traumatic brain injury.  When one is injured muscles, ligaments, tendons are affected and such injuries  result in strains, bruises, tears and broken bones. All of the mentioned are the most common injury symptoms.


Injuries can be  different depending on the site being damaged and the severity of the pain. Here are some of the most injured body parts:

    • Knee Injuries: Torn ligaments (anterior cruciate ligament ACL or medial collateral ligament MCL) are both knee injuries which happen when stopping briefly and/or the joint is pushed sideways resulting in knee pain. MCL is experienced as the result of the torn ligament that connects the upper leg bone to the lower one causing pain in that area. These two torn ligaments cause difficulty in motion. Patients who suffer from a torn ACL or MCL experience pain or swelling. Sometimes, the injury may be severe and prevents an injured person from walking. One can use braces or physical therapy to relieve the pain.
    • Foot and Leg Injuries: Foot injuries occur when muscles and tendons become inflamed especially when one begins to exercise. That is why we suggested doing warm up exercises before training.  Such injuries make a person feel  aching and throbbing.

Sport injuries

    • Fracture is an injury that happens when muscles cannot absorb the impact of the stress put on them and then the bone absorbs the pressure leading to its possible break. A stress fracture causes pain especially when a person moves.
    • Ankle Injury occurs when the ligaments supporting the joints are overstretched. Ankle sprains happen while doing daily activities or when doing sports. It may happen due to one’s stepping on uneven surfaces. Severe sprains of the ankle may need braces to facilitate the healing process.
    • Elbow Injury involves inflammation of the tendons on the outside of the elbow caused by small tears. It causes pain and may be followed by a weak grip.
    • Low Back Injury may be due to a lot of stress put on this site. Lifting weights can cause low back pain but aging too. 
    • Hip Injuries: Inflammation of site bones may lead to stiffness and pain around the hip joint not to be confused with the joint pain of arthritis. Running, cycling, and similar activities can lead to hip bursitis when they have been put under stress for a long time. Hip pain may be worse at night and comes in the form of pain and swelling. Physical therapy is recommended to help hip bones to take the load off the inflamed joint. 
    • Brain Injury occurs when the brain undergoes rapid acceleration A sudden hit to the head or even body may cause a brain injury. People who engage in physical sports are at an increased risk for concussions. The symptoms of a concussion may include headache, unconsciousness, memory loss, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, and many more. Healing from a concussion requires rest, both physical and mental, to allow the brain to recover and it is not as easy as other sports injuries. Brain injuries can impact on your overall mental health.


Sports injuries can occur due to overtraining. Too much training can put a lot of stress on your tissues, bones and muscles and increases the chances for them to be damaged and result in injuries. Improper training may cause more damage than no training at all. Failing to warm up before the training increases the risk of sports injuries and pain.

Health starts with knowing!


Physical activity is an important part of maintaining general wellness and overall health. However, a person should do exercises within limits and as much as is good and not strenuous for them. Here are some things  you need to consider when training: 

    • The proper equipment being used when taking up physical activities helps prevent injuries.
    • The proper protective clothes and/or trainers create a shield for the body not to be injured.
    • The proper training program for your needs and strength.
    • Take breaks in between workouts. Doing this you are giving your body time to repair and regain the lost energy.
    • Warm Up: You had better start doing any physical activity slowly and little by little. Warm ups increase strength, flexibility and give our bones and muscles to prepare for more difficult exercises. Warm ups minimize the risks of sports injuries.
    • Pay attention to your body’s reactions toward strenuous physical activities. In the very first moment, you feel any overheating or pain stop the activity. You will lower the risks of damaging more a possible injured site.

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Disc Conditions

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