Dr. Umberto MASSAFRA talks about MUSCLES tissue problems and regeneration with CRT / TRM-Fit

Dr. Umberto MASSAFRA talks about MUSCLES tissue problems and regeneration with CRT / TRM-Fit https://youtu.be/FXBxhee3v6E Dr. Umberto Massafra, Rheumatology Division, San Pietro Fatebenefratelli Hospital, Rome and Laserlight – Multi-specialist Medical Center in Rome. He has many experiences with Magnetic Resonance treatments with CRT and TRM-Fit.

Magnetic Resonance Treatments – Are they better?

Magnetic Resonance Treatments – Are they better? In the area of Electromagnetic treatments often discussed this technology, PEMF (Pulsed Electric Magnetic Frequencies).Some manufacturers explain that their technology is aligned to the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The Manufacturer describes its device and solution in these ways: Magnesphere The Magnesphere uses the basic physics principle of Nuclear…

A tool to measure the effectiveness of CRT/PEMF and Electromagnetic therapy.

A tool to measure the effectiveness of CRT/PEMF and Electromagnetic therapy. To get a more transparent and documented Solution for Clinics / Wellness-Centers / Physiotherapist but even for Manufacturers this Reporting / Benchmarking solution we described in another POST makes really sense to get a profound and better quality Management. We discussed the Reporting and…

Patients with osteo-articular pathology: new technologies and therapeutic opportunities

Patients with osteo-articular pathology: new technologies and therapeutic opportunities Degenerative neurological diseases and arthritic joint disorders constitute two of the most frequent types of disease, widespread in all parts of the world, capable of involving adult and senile age groups with frequency that increases exponentially with increasing age. <br> In this link you can find…