Before and after - MRT or Magnetic Resonance Therapy
MRT is able to stimulate cells to produce more collagen than normal, at the same time it stimulates chondrocytes to produce cartilage and osteoblasts to produce osteoid.
There are numerous scientific and clinical studies conducted on cell cultures, animal models and human models that confirm the regenerative effect on the formation of cartilage and bone tissue.
The result, as we can see from this BEFORE/AFTER is a significant improvement in the clinical conditions of patients with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
An additional advantage is the absence of side effects and any kind of risk.
There are numerous scientific and clinical studies conducted on cell cultures, animal models and human models that confirm the regenerative effect on the formation of cartilage and bone tissue.
The result, as we can see from this BEFORE/AFTER is a significant improvement in the clinical conditions of patients with osteoarthritis and osteoporosis.
An additional advantage is the absence of side effects and any kind of risk.